Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday, April 28th, 2015

Read THIS blog post by a teacher. I mean actually read it. Take it in. Think about it. And then, write about it. What do you think about it? What is the teacher trying to say? In your own words explain what "the main event" is.

I agree with this article 100%. He makes very valid points. By the time kids are seniors in high school, they have gotten into a habit where if something that seems "hard" or "too much work" comes their way, they don't even try. They are quitters, even if they put up a fight to tell you that they aren't. They don't want to try their hardest because they think it is stupid or unnecessary. He puts many points into perfect words. The point of school isn't about the things you are learning anymore. It is setting you up to work hard and overcome challenges for later in your life, because life after high school is going to be much harder than life in high school. That is his main idea. Stop complaining and just do your work. In the long run, it will help!

He should fix his tie.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015

3 day weekend... how was it? Give me a good story or something funny that happened this weekend. Go.

This weekend was great! I had a blast with so many people. My favorite thing I did was on Monday though! It was the one year anniversary of Reat's passing. So we got to honor him all of yesterday. In the afternoon, the choir got to sing at a memorial for him outside of the school. There is now a beautiful bench out front of the school in honor of Reat. The choir sang, "Heal the World." It was so awesome to be able to honor him in that way. Then, that night, there was a walk and celebration for all three of the people killed. We walked from the Jewish Community Center to Church of the Resurrection. It was so cool. Then the celebration was a fun way to just remember all of their lives and come together as a community.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Thursday, April 9th, 2015

Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Elaborate on why you agree of disagree.

"If images are on the internet they should be "free game"."

I could go both ways with this statement. I understand both perspectives. 

For the side that is pro: you are choosing to put your stuff out there. If you chose to put it out there, you made the choice to have people see it and use it. You made the choice to have whoever chooses to go to your website, see your pictures. This could be great for you! If you are trying to be discovered, agents and people high up in the business you are trying to get to, could see your work and want to hire you. They could use your work in trying to find you and hire you!

For the side that is con: these are your images. Why would you want people to take your work, that you put in a lot of time for, and use it for their benefit. If you put in the work, they should not take the easy way out and not create their own work. They might also take credit for your work and make money off of something you put your heart and soul into.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Tuesday, April 7th, 2015

Reflection on my Resume Website

How I feel about my website
I feel like my Resume Website was a success! I was given many tools to help me along and bring me to this point. The Brain Dump helped a lot. All of the information was right there on the page, all I had to do was look at the page and plug it into my website! I feel like I had some very cool aspects to my website as well! My "home" portion of the website was my logo. It had a very cool Times Square/Broadway background picture that got some very good feedback from the students who looked at it. It was also a perfect demonstration of who I am, a theatre lover! On the picture read the words, Jeremy Jacobs - Actor Singer Dancer. I also feel great about my color scheme. The colors were all bright and fun an upbeat. And that describes me perfectly as well! I am a fun, outgoing, bubbly person! The fonts were fun as well. Overall, this website really showed a great example of who I am. That is what you want in a resume website. You want to show your employer who you are in an example that is fun, easy to read, and gives them all the information they need.

Comparison to other websites
There are some aspects of the other students' websites that were very cool. Some computers had their backgrounds fixed. So when you would scroll through the website, the backgrounds would not move, but would transition one into another like a slideshow. It was awesome. That would have been great to use. I also could have put more pictures on my website, But I am content with the content that I had.