Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday, March 9th, 2015

Tell me about your weekend.

This weekend was very relaxed for me. On Saturday, I had quite a bit to do but I was pretty relaxed during it. In the morning, I went to KC A Capella rehearsal! We are rehearsing to record an album. Then I went skeet shooting with my dad and some of the guys from my church's youth group. It was a blast! That night, I went over to my girlfriend's house and we hung out and watched a movie. We watched, "Patch Adams." It was a phenomenal movie! So good!! We were exhausted and accidentally fell asleep. 

On Sunday, I went to church in the morning, and youth group at night. Afterwards, my family had my girlfriend's family over and we had a bonfire! This weekend was overall very fun!

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