Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday, January 15th, 2015

Always be nice
Be considerate towards others
Call people nice names
Don't hit people with your car
Everyday is a day to be nice
Fevers aren't fun, go make people who have them, feel better
Give money to the poor
Hand shakes are better than high-fives
Instead of being a bad person, be a good person
Jealousy is never a good thing
Kids aren't stupid, let them know
Let the other person feel the glory
Make someone's day
No one should be made fun of
Obviously, it is better to be nice
Probably should not kill something
Quit is not a word you should ever use
Realize that the world does not revolve around you
Support the elderly
Try to smile at all times
Understand when someone is hurting
Very kindly talk to people who need your help
Word choice is very important
Xylophones have pleasant sounds
Yellow can make you happy
Zebras can be the best friends

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